I think that is a little unfair. Just because someone says they don't want the lifestyle pushed in their face doesn't make them homophobic or closet gay.
I have no problem with people being gay, having gay pride parades, getting married, having all the same rights everyone else does or whatever they want but I also don't think it's appropriate to deliberately try to shock / disgust other which is what some few do - that is what I take having the lifestyle pushed in your face to mean. There's nothing wrong to say we don't like that - the fact is I don't like loud people in general or whoever it is doing what I consider to be inappropriate things in the wrong setting, gay or straight.
It's this militant / black-white / for-us or against-us type of rhetoric that really undermines sympathy in people's situation. When people go out looking to offend so they can claim they are being persecuted and unfairly treated if they succeed.
Just act like everyone else who honors the social norms. I don't care if two people walk down the street holding hands whether they are gay or straight. If I dislike a couple making out in public on a park bench it's not because of whether they are gay or straight, it's because I think it's inappropriate.
Equality is being treated equally which also means having your behavior judged just the same as everyone else.
@Simon- Thank you for the bit of sound reasoning. I could not have said it better myself. Being at work limits my multi-tasking ability writing on this forum but as you said, some make it so blatantly obvious for the sake of making other irritated. Reminds me of this disgusting individual who suffered from some terrible intestinal disease which caused him to produce vast amounts of excess, putrid gas. He knew we all hated it so he purposely did it at the conference table, in the cafeteria, in the cubicle, just anywhere he knew it would annoy us.